
17-year-old Ella finds her forever family

17-year-old Ella finds her forever family

SALT LAKE CITY The mission of KSL TV's partnership with Raise the Future and Wednesday's Child is to connect children in foster care with loving and supportive families.

These children need strength and courage to share their journey and connect in this way. And this week we have exciting news about 17-year-old Ella, who was adopted.

Ella was first introduced by KSL TV in 2019At that time she was called Makenzi.

Ella had been living in foster care for several years and was looking for a stable adult caregiver to guide her through her teenage years. At the time, 61-year-old Mickey was at a point in her life where she was considering taking in a teenager. She had a grown daughter.

“My granddaughters are adopted and my daughter encouraged me to consider caring for a teenager,” Mickey said.

In 2021, Mickey was introduced to Ella as a mentor, but that friendship quickly developed into something more.

“When we first met, we were at Cafe Rio and we just sat there and talked a lot,” said Ella. “We just talked a lot and got to know each other and asked each other questions. I was a little shy at first, but it was OK.”

“We get along well”

“I think we hit it off in the beginning, so I just went ahead with the intention of adopting her, not really knowing what was going to happen. But I think I knew almost from day one that I was probably going to adopt her,” Mickey said.

As Mickey and Ella's relationship grew, the two took a trip to Disneyland. It was Ella's first big trip together and despite the challenges, Ella asked Mickey to adopt her there.

“When she asked me if I wanted to adopt her, I told her I would think about it, but when I got home I couldn't stop thinking about it,” Mickey said.

“It was an incredible feeling. It felt like, thanks to her, I finally had the chance to turn my life around and become the person I really am,” said Ella.

On September 6, 2023, Mickey adopted Ella.

“Mom and I made each other cry,” said Ella. “It was the best time I can remember.”

“It was really special,” Mickey said.

Concerns have been allayed

Mickey said that as a single mother, she had some concerns about adopting a teenager from foster care, but as she got to know Ella better, some of those fears disappeared.

“I think my biggest fear was that teenagers are more set in their ways and wouldn't adjust, or I wouldn't adjust, and so I was nervous that our personalities might clash,” Mickey said. “But with Ella, when I met her, I always felt like she just needed a little bit of one-on-one attention, and she has that, and I think that's perfect for her.”

Ella said that as a mother, Mickey brought stability to her life.

“I've learned that I don't have to have extreme emotional outbursts and run away when something is wrong because I can go to her, tell her what's wrong and she can help me,” Ella said.

Ella and Mickey build their new life together. They visit new places and have new experiences.

“We just threw ourselves into it and it just kept getting better,” Mickey said.

A look into the future

Now in her final year of high school, Ella is thinking about what her future will look like. Inspired by the social workers at Raise the Future who have guided her life, Ella wants to follow in their footsteps.

“I hope that I will find my dream job. I like helping people in need and actually want to become a social worker,” she said.

With Mickey's support, Ella has renewed confidence in her future. She has goals for herself and she intends to achieve them. She said Mickey has taught her what it feels like to be loved and she is excited about their future together.

“Knowing that I have my forever family with my mother is incredible. It makes me feel more stable now and that I have a long life ahead of me,” she said.

KSL TV thanks Painting with a Twist in Murray for the hospitality of Ella and Mickey. Click here to learn more about painting opportunities.

Click here to learn more about children in foster care in Utah who need a foster or adoptive family.

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