
San Juan County confirms primary election results and celebrates highest voter turnout in years

San Juan County confirms primary election results and celebrates highest voter turnout in years

Submitted by San Juan County

Today, the San Juan County Elections Office certified the results of the August 6, 2024 primary election. San Juan County had the second-highest voter turnout in Washington State, with 56.28% of registered voters casting their ballots. The average turnout statewide was 40%. This was the highest turnout in San Juan County for an August primary election since 2020.

“I am so proud of our residents for exercising their civil rights and making their voices heard in the primary election,” said Supervisor of Elections Camolyn Armstrong. “Even though we are considered 'small' compared to other counties in the state, it is encouraging to see that we have an engaged population that wants to participate, learn and shape their community.”

The certified results of the August 2024 primary election can be found on the county website:

Of the 8,308 ballots cast and counted by San Juan County voters, 37% cast their ballot by mail and 63% dropped their ballot in a local mailbox.

Prior to certification, two audits were conducted to verify the election results. Both audits confirmed that the election results were accurate. Details of the audits can be found here:

At the local level, the primaries took into account both tax and tax cap increases as well as city council seats. The results include:

San Juan Island Library District Proposal No. 1 – Tax Removal

Yes: 56.29%

No: 43.71%

Lopez Island School District #144 Proposal No. 1 – Safety and Technology Capital Project Replacement Levy

Yes: 65.10%

No: 34.90%

San Juan Council Residential District 1

Adrian Kilpatrick: 19.12%

Kari McVeigh: 50.08%

Stephanie O’Day: 30.47%

Registered mail: 0.33%

San Juan Council Residential District 2

Rick Hughes: 50.32%

Justin Paulson: 44.03%

Jonathan Jonnie Welch: 5.38%

Registered mail: 0.27%

Voter turnout in the San Juan County primary elections over the years

August 2024: 14,761 registered voters; 56.00% voter turnout

August 2023: 9,669 registered voters; 45.05% voter turnout

August 2022: 14,572 registered voters; 50.36% voter turnout

August 2020: 13,726 registered voters; 68.61% voter turnout

Combating voter fatigue in parliamentary elections

With another round of voting and a lengthy balloting looming in the 2024 general election, Armstrong's best advice for combating voter fatigue? Start early.

“Start filling out your ballot at the beginning of the 18-day voting period. This will give you more time to read the ballot booklet and make an informed decision,” Armstrong said.

Voting for the November parliamentary elections begins on October 18.

Visit the county elections office website to access all election information:

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