
Learn the story of the criminal client

Learn the story of the criminal client

Yes, every client is unique – especially in the throes of a criminal investigation or trial. And they differ especially in the way they see or want to see the facts and communicate them to their lawyer, especially a lawyer who is new to them. In this context, a layperson might believe that there is only one view of the facts in every case – namely, the inescapable “truth.” That is not really so. It is said that “perception is reality.” That is closer to the truth – at least some form of truth.

Some clients simply cannot control themselves or will not keep their mouths shut when discussing the case in front of the lawyer, even when the lawyer is holding up a stop sign. These clients simply want to get off their chest whatever they think is worth telling, whether the lawyer wants to hear it or not. And, importantly for the lawyer, these clients may also want to tell a story that is often not true – oddly enough, suspecting that doing so would actually help their case.

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