
Ukrainian courts have already convicted 126 Russian war criminals

Ukrainian courts have already convicted 126 Russian war criminals

Ukrainian courts have already found 126 Russian war criminals guilty.

This was stated by Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin during the forum “Ukraine 2024. Independence”, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“We are transferring cases to Ukrainian courts and 126 Russian war criminals have already been convicted by Ukrainian courts. And we are not only prosecuting ordinary people – we are also working to establish the responsibility of commanders. We have already brought more than 100 officers of the Russian Armed Forces to justice in various proceedings, including generals of the Russian Armed Forces,” he said.

According to him, Ukrainian law enforcement officials have already identified 660 suspects in war crimes against Ukrainians, and the goal is not only to find out who is likely to have committed the crime, but also to collect evidence indicating that a specific person committed the crime.

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Kostin noted that after the Nuremberg and Far Eastern tribunals, Ukraine is the first country since World War II to raise before the international community the issue of the need for international prosecution of the crime of aggression.

“This crime is a big, big international war crime. If the crime of aggression had not been committed, there would not have been 136,000 war crimes against Ukrainians. And this number is not complete, because we do not yet control part of the TOT. And there would be no war victims,” ​​said the head of the Prosecutor General's Office.

As reported, in the Kharkiv region, two Russian soldiers who robbed a jewelry store during the occupation were sentenced to eleven years in prison.

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