
Fatal stabbing in Milwaukee; victim's brother 'confessed' to crime: complaint

Fatal stabbing in Milwaukee; victim's brother 'confessed' to crime: complaint

A 25-year-old Milwaukee man is suspected of stabbing his own brother to death near the corner of 83rd Street and Villard on August 22. The accused is Anslem Ike, who now faces a charge of second-degree manslaughter.

According to the criminal complaint, Milwaukee police responded to a stabbing on the street near 83rd and Villard on Thursday evening, August 22. When officers arrived at the scene, the victim was lying in the street. He was taken to a hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

The Milwaukee County Coroner's Office determined that the victim, 27-year-old Kingsley Ike, suffered two stab wounds that resulted in death.

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The criminal complaint states that when officers arrived at the scene, the defendant was there. Some citizens who were also there said “the defendant stood next to them and admitted that he had stabbed the victim. Officers arrested the defendant and found a knife nearby that the defendant allegedly used in the stabbing,” the complaint states.

Crime scene of the stabbing at the corner of 83rd and Villard

After his arrest, the defendant was questioned by Milwaukee detectives. The indictment states that he admitted to stabbing the victim. Ike said that day he came home and confronted the victim about the damage to the defendant that he believed the victim had caused. The defendant said he (the defendant) armed himself with a knife and pointed it at the victim's speakers and asked the victim if he would like it if he damaged the speakers. The victim didn't respond much to that, so the defendant poured water on the victim's Xbox console,” the indictment states. Then the victim actually responded — and walked toward the defendant as if he wanted to fight. The two went outside — and then the victim hit the defendant twice, Ike told detectives, and he stabbed the victim.

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Ike made his initial appearance in Milwaukee District Court on Tuesday, August 27. Bail was set at $10,000.

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