
Phoenix has not signed a consent decree on the police. No one knows how long the Justice Department will wait

Phoenix has not signed a consent decree on the police. No one knows how long the Justice Department will wait

A Phoenix city councilwoman says federal oversight isn't needed to improve local policing. Ann O'Brien, who represents the 1st District, said police are working to implement 37 corrective actions recommended by the U.S. Department of Justice.

“I think we've taken steps to address some of these issues,” she said. “I think we can put a plan in place that will hold our citizens and our police accountable.”

On 13 June US Department of Justice publishes 126-page report and announced that Phoenix police had used excessive force, acted with bias, and violated constitutional and civil rights.

“I believe this council is committed to ensuring that our police department continues to make improvements, constitutionally police our city and make it safer for all citizens,” O'Brien said.

The Justice Department has frequently reached settlements with other cities that involve court-ordered monitoring and years of federal oversight – a path O'Brien wants to avoid. If the city and the Justice Department can't reach an agreement, the Justice Department could take Phoenix to court.

When asked how long the Justice Department would wait for Phoenix to agree to a settlement or propose an alternative, O'Brien said, “I don't know the answer to that question because every other city has signed the agreement in principle that led to the settlement. So I don't think there's an example where you can look back and say, 'If you wait that long, they'll take this action. If you do this, they might do that.' The city of Phoenix is ​​different than most other cities that (the Justice Department) has worked in.”

On Monday, the City Council met behind closed doors to seek legal advice. Discussions held in closed session cannot be made public under state law. The Justice Department did not respond to KJZZ's requests for information.

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